Watch where you shoot

Before you play

It is highly recommended to download the game and play it locally. This will provide better graphics, lighting, and resolution. However, if you want to try playing in browser, it works too.

If you find game sounds annoying you can turn them off completely in settings. You can also change mouse sensitivity.


  • W/S/A/D - moving
  • SPACE - jump
  • Left mouse button - shooting
  • R - reload
  • ESC/P -pause menu (it is recommended to use "P" on browser)

Watch Where You Shoot is a fps game where you have to pay attention when you shoot. You move through underwater tunnels and abandoned warehouses, often located close to water.

After you play

Thank you very much for your time. Please leave your opinion in the comments. This is my first game. I made it mostly thanks to brackey's tutorials. If anyone notices my game it will be very motivating.


Download 38 MB

Install instructions

Just unzip the file and run "Watch where you shoot.exe"

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